The Mitchell PTC relies on its robust community to support our wide array of events and committees throughout the year. Listed below are ways you can get involved in the school. If you have interest in any of the options below, please submit the form with your name and the opportunities that interest you.
- Boston Family & Friends (METCO Representative): Help us build a strong community with our Boston students within the school and the district. Involves coordinating a few events and communicating with the METCO community.
- Community Events: Help with the coordination and day-of execution of events such as the Ice Cream Social, Movie Night, Trunk or Treat, Candy Bar Bingo, Skate Night, Mitchell vs. Broadmeadow basketball game, Parents’ Night Out, Mitchell End of Year Picnic and more!
- Community Service: Assist with several community service projects at grade-level and school-wide throughout the year.
- Curriculum Enrichment Committee: Parents work with grade-level lead teachers to schedule guest speakers, hands-on workshops and more to enrich our students’ education.
- Fifth-Grade Year End Activities Committee: Oversee all year end activities and the fifth-grade graduation.
- Grade-Level Parent Social Coordinator: Coordinate the parent/guardian social for your child’s grade this year.
- Grade-Level Teacher Breakfast Committee: Help us show our teachers and staff our appreciation by coordinating a grade-level teacher breakfast.
- Media Volunteer: Volunteer to be in your child’s library class and help sort, shelf & checkout books.
- Outdoor Learning Center & School Beautification Committee: We have a lovely green space in the middle of our school and need help maintaining it.
We are also happy to create new opportunities, so please reach out with your own ideas for getting involved. We always welcome comments and questions. mitchellptcpresidents@gmail.com