Co-Presidents Kate Dawson & Liz Ostrander mitchellptcpresidents@gmail.com |
Vice President Sri Baqri |
Treasurer Nicole Miller |
Secretary Karen Hodys |
Fundraising Chair Meagan Coons |
Teacher Liaison Kiki Lansdale |
Boston Family & Friends (METCO) Kate Carter & Elyssa Scheider MitchellBostonFamily@gmail.com |
SEPAC Representatives Anne Hertzberg & Rachel Shaw |
Curriculum Enrichment Chair Nicole Piatelli |
Community Events Co-Chairs Emily DeRoiser & Christina O’Connell |
Communications & Marketing Chair Joelle Schatz |
Community Service Chair Kristin Pisano |
Room Parents Coordinator Allison Margolies |
Student Council Liaison Pam Barker |
Principal Greg Bayse greg_bayse@needham.k12.ma.us |
Join the PTC Facebook Group
Your feedback is always welcome.
B.REAL Gabi Oliveira |
Outdoor Learning Center & School Beautification Nicole Miller |
Hospitality Committee Becky Sacks, Fenia Stamboulis, & Sara Taylor |
Merchandise Shari Valentino |
Yearbook Jaclyn Rosenfield |
School Directory Rachael Glynn |
Book Fair Kim Leviton, Mindy McGinn, & Betty Poulos |
Fifth Grade Year End Activities Jenn Greene |
Media Center Jen Sanchez |
Jump Rope Club OPEN |
Ice Cream Social Jen Sanchez |
Trunk-or-Treat Nicole White |
Mitchell Skate Night Meghan Burke |
Candy Bar Bingo Reagan Driscoll |
Mitchell-Broadmeadow Basketball Game Dipa & Raj Gopel |
Mitchell Red Sox Game Carla Dorsi |
Mitchell Picnic PTC Co-Presidents |
Mitchell Movie Night Megan Dwyer, Jennie Kenneway, & Caitlin Piccuirro |
Invention Invasion OPEN |
Parent Social Event Chairs PTC Co-Presidents & Meagan Coons |
Battle of the Books Megan Dwyer |
Teacher Appreciation Week Lisa Bakaysa |
Spelling Bee, 4th & 5th Grade Sara Braz & Jennifer Lockhart |
Kindergarten Welcome Committee Hallie Riley & Rachel Shaw |