The PTC relies on the generosity of our families to meet the enrichment needs of our school community. Our goal is to have 100% participation, and we welcome all contributions! Donations in any amount are meaningful and go a long way to creating exciting opportunities for your child both in and out of the classroom.
Read our Invest in Your Child FAQ
Our Goal: $30,000 We’ve Raised: $25,475
Family Participation: 55%
Invest in Your Child is our largest and most impactful school fundraiser, accounting for the majority of our more than $30,000 annual operating budget. These funds directly support enrichment programs, speaker series, field trips, community building events, and provide teachers with additional classroom resources.
Tax-deductible contributions may be made at PayPal to Mitchell PTC or via check to Mitchell School PTC. Please return checks to your child’s teacher or leave in the PTC mailbox located in the front office.
Does your company offer matching funds for charitable giving? Please apply for them and make your contribution go even further. The Mitchell PTC is a 501(3)(c).
Please be aware that PayPal deducts a 2.9% fee plus $0.30 from every donation.
From Our Teachers
The PTC funded our request for a return visit of two guest speakers, William Mourwel and Moses Ajou, to the 5th grade classes. Their presentation included information about their life in Sudan and their transition to America before, during and after the Second Sudanese Civil War. This presentation was a culmination of the 5th grade’s muti-faceted study of Home of the Brave and the Lost Boys of Sudan. In addition, the PTC has funded the 5th grade annual Rocket Launch event. This has included the purchase of rockets for each 5th grade student, along with additional supplies including launch pads, engines, etc.
Colleen Soldato, 5th Grade Teacher
In second grade, every spring we do a big series book club unit. The students love being a part of a book club and diving into a series. During the 2020-2021 school year, second grade needed more diverse series books for the unit. With funding from the PTC, each classroom was able to receive sets of new series for the unit. The teachers and students were very excited!
Gabriella Gonzalez, 2nd Grade Teacher
The PTC has supported kindergarten teachers and students in so many wonderful ways. Through the PTC we have enjoyed visits from the Discovery Museum and the New England Aquarium. We have been able to purchase flexible seating for our classrooms to meet the needs of all learners. Kindergarten has also used funds from the PTC to purchase books for the Social Emotional Learning library. Last year we were able to supply every child with a superhero cape to give kindergarteners reading super powers, which made all the difference! This year the PTC has already enriched our curriculum by purchasing math supplies and materials for centers. Our team is grateful for the work the PTC does for our community!
Kim Harr, Kindergarten Teacher
Our Budget At Work
- Charging stations for all classrooms so students no longer need to bring devices home
- Mitchell t-shirts for all students and staff
- Community building events with Boston and Needham families through the Boston Family and Friends committee
- Teacher appreciation luncheons
- Welcome events at the start of the school year
- Recess supplies for all classrooms
- Maker station carts for all Fifth Grade classrooms filled with materials students can use for designing and engineering
- Pansies for the Fourth Grade community service learning project in connection with the Needham Historical Society
- Defraying field-trip costs for Kindergartners to go to the Natick Organic Community Farm and the Fifth Graders to go to Tree Top Adventures for community building
- Flexible seating options for First Grade classrooms to allow students to choose what best suits their learning needs
- A variety of materials from musicmotion.com to help with social-emotional learning during music classes. Students identified emotions in connection to music and worked on self-awareness
- Hands-on games used in small-group literacy instruction to help with phonological awareness skills for reading success
- Discovery Museum Travelling Science Workshop – Forces in Nature
- Materials for the year-end Art Festival
- Materials for the Human Figure Wire Sculpture project
- Supplies for the upper grade literacy coaches to help organize and expand the book selection
- Books for the Fifth Grade to augment their research-based argument essay writing and advocacy reading units
- First Thanksgiving Historian Program from Newton History Center to examine what happened at the first Thanksgiving and how the story has been used and retold over time (Third Grade)
- Breakout Edu online platform for students to solve challenging codes and puzzles to promote creative thinking and problem solving
- People with Differing Abilities sets to represent diverse learners in Kindergarten classrooms
- Two guest speakers, William Mourwel and Moses Ajou, to discuss their life in Sudan and their transition to America before, during and after the Second Sudanese Civil War as the culmination of the fifth grade’s muti-faceted study of Home of the Brave and the Lost Boys of Sudan
- Rockets and supplies for the Fifth Grade rocket launch
- New series of diverse books for Second Grade book club